GAME DAY #Académica #Coimbra #Football

Well every town needs his own football club. And Coimbra has the ACADEMIA. To be honest I don`t know much about the club, but I know that I am now living in COIMBRA and so I need a team. And as I have proven in Austria I am not the glory hunter like others. When you look on the standings you could see COIMBRA is not the leading club and maybe his name is not so glorious like Porto, Benfica or Lissabon. But how cares, you belong to the team of your heart and your heart is where you life or where you have a connection with.

They played well today, finally it was a dram they had their chances, but in minute 70 a penalty killed the dreams. I was really impressed on my left side there was an old lady shouting out some portugese words I have never heard and so I have no idea what she was talking. It was awesome. First of all I thougt, good it is a raining sunday afternoon, why not try to watch the game. But I am excited and I can’t wait for the next matches. I am looking forward for the next match. Thank you ACADEMICA, you made my day. 🙂


Good night and good luck, Christian

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