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A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time.
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Was kommt dabei heraus, wenn Mann und Frau gewisse Themen aus dem alltäglichen Leben getrennt voneinander betrachten? Zwei Menschen, ein Thema, zwei Sichtweisen. Entgegengesetzt ist eine direkte Gegenüberstellung der Dinge. Das Buch räumt auf mit Vorurteilen, Klischees und vermeintlichen Beziehungsfallen; und stellt dabei unverkennbar dar, wie unterschiedlich zwei Menschen denken können, wenn sie über das gleiche Thema reden. Eventuell das richtige Geschenk zu Weihnachten, wenn es mal wieder Stress in der Beziehung gibt. Wie immer auch auf Amazon verfügbar.
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Tag Archives: Coimbra
Streets of Coimbra #streets
And sometimes, there is what we call the weekend. But when the weekend begins, the streets of Coimbra are still there. When the sun has gone, they city does not sleeps. Especially on Thursday. This seems the day where … Continue reading
Summer is here #Portugal #summer
Well the sun has discovered that I am in Portugal and until Monday it is really nice her. It is perfect, when you wake up and the sun is coming out, well that sounds like living. The other things are … Continue reading
Processing 1 – implemented :-)
This is the colour code, why not.. 🙂 good night and good luck Christian
Processing Ping Pong 2 – short programm
Nothing really big, but i want to give you a few what is possible if you are trying to do processing 🙂 good night and good luck 🙂 Christin
Well it is going well in Portugal, the first steps have been made and it is time to think about what is happening the next few days. First of all, it was a wonderful weekend with my first run arround … Continue reading
Wednesday (quarta-feira) in Coimbra
When you have finished you things at the university and you want to have some fun. Then search for some suitable internet hotspots. I tried it today with the University network. And I was on my search for some nice … Continue reading
Coimbra here we come #coimbra #portugal #euromachs
My dear friends it is time to go to COIMBRA. But what is COIMBRA. Well this is a university in Porutgal one of the partner universities of the EUROMACHS program. Since last week me and a few other, 6 in … Continue reading