Sempronius Densus

Spannend finde ich auch die Leibwächter welche sich heroisch opfernd und sogar bis zum Äußersten gehen. Neben vielen Berühmtheiten hier eine etwas andere Geschichte, welche sich im Antiken Rom abgespielt hat. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Mann der nach Plutarch der einzige Mann gewesen sei, der des römischen Imperiums wert gewesen wäre, Sempronius DENSUS.

This was Sempronius Densus, a centurion, and though he had received no special favours from Galba, yet in defence of honour and the law he took his stand in front of the litter. And first, lifting up the switch with which centurions punish soldiers deserving of stripes, he cried out to the assailants and ordered them to spare the emperor. Then, as they came to p267close quarters with him, he drew his sword, and fought them off a long time, until he fell with a wound in the groin.[ in PLUTARCH ]

Cassius Dio beispielsweise schreibt:

This is why I have recorded his name, for he is most worthy of being mentioned. Piso, also, was killed and numerous others, but not in aiding the emperor.[Cassius Dio]

Mehr darüber auf Wikipedia: Semprionius DENSUS

#Sempronius_Densus #Rome #History

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