When the night comes #Portugal #Coimbra

Yes today i had fun yesterday. It is awesome when you are sitting the whole day at the university and then you recognize. Damn the work is not really done. But then you go outside and see this wonderful few…

night_coimbra going_home






I hope I can make it the next days to the beach. But wait the easter break is coming and so I have to finish 2 assignments I think. And then I have to book a flight back home. And to plan a project, to program and oh my god… how would I do that. But I know it the only solution is a beer. According to the new statistic the implemented I have to say I don`t care. Beer is a cool drink I like it and if you bother me for that è THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM , Cheers J


But be honest, I could talk and make a presentation about the advantages of beer and how beer changed the world but I think this is not necessary. The combination between spare time and fulfill the duty is all I can do now. That`s all for the moment. Good night and good luck

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