Great view, but really old buildings

Well the next picture is also a good one. It has that touch of Austria in the 1980 or something. But ti be honest, and this seems to be my new word, Coimbra is really really cool. I have never seen a city where everyone cares about the other. It may be true, that Portuguese are different, but they are really helpful. My weak knowing of the Portuguese language is also not very helpful, but I am trying. And at the moment I am on a level, where I can order drinks and food, find my way to the university and some other small skills. It is a long time since I have thought about learning a new language or livei n a land where you don`t speak the language. Well that it is a challenge, but nevertheless it is a funny think to talk with “hands and feeds”. But I am really exited about the wireless connections here in and around Coimbra. It was hard and there are still some areas unexplored, but nowi think I know all the passwords and Wifi`s from the university to my home.


No I haven’t hacked them it was only a matter of coffee & beer drinking. In fact you get the passwords, when you are a guest in the bar. SO hopefully they will not change the keys. But I am really impressed about the capacity of the EDUROAM wireless. The universities and their faculties are located around the hills and not concentrated in the middle of the old town. But, the wireless is working really fine. Don`t be shocked about the pictures, if you come to Coimbra you will love this wonderful town.

See you soon, good night and good luck.

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Well it is going well in Portugal, the first steps have been made and it is time to think about what is happening the next few days. First of all, it was a wonderful weekend with my first run arround the Mondego river. Well it was really cool, as you know Coimbra is covered by over a few hundreds of steps so it is really fascinating to climb then on over the days. I have classes twice a week and I am awaiting the warmer weather to learn in to pure nature. Well maybe there is another ding, I want to feel the sun as soon as possible. It is true that the weather here is warmer, but not so much as suspected As I told you before, when you come to Portugal in Feb, be prepared for really cold winds. Well after the class I always go to the Cantina, this is one of my favorite thing. Because it reminds me of my military service. Standing in a line, and awaiting your meal. But to say it clear it was a always a great event to get some of the famous “Gulaschsuppe”. To be honest, what I eat here is not really definable. But it is a soup, with a meal and hey, you get bread also. And this to a price about 2,30€. And if you see the “Warteschlange” you can image that some of my colleagues likes it to.


Btw. it seem it is always wednesday… well good night and good luck


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Wednesday (quarta-feira) in Coimbra

When you have finished you things at the university and you want to have some fun. Then search for some suitable internet hotspots. I tried it today with the University network. And I was on my search for some nice portals. When you play ingress you know what I mean. I think Coimbra is the only university where you can check so many beautiful hotspots. Well that is the advantage when you life in a town where the university is already known as European heritage. When I think about it, it sounds a little bid weird, an Austrian explore the old university of Coimbra. But well, why not.. as I told you before why not Coimbra.

After a lunch I went back to the library and coded a few things, not really good but the first step was made to bring our project on track. But I will tell you more If I we have finalized some things. First step is always to have a plan, then we can think about it J

Yesterday I posted a picture about a crow. So how could we preserve and develop new things in our life. I found a video, better to say I remember a video of Patty Smith, “People have the power”. And when you read her lyrics you will know what I mean.

Remember, we have the power 🙂
Good night and good luck

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Why Portugal ?

This is always the question. And the answer is why not. From my point of view this is an interesting country with so many unsolved questions. And some of them we will discover in the next few months. As I told you I was on the way to Coimbra but before I arrived I saw a picture that combines history and modern technology. A head set coronet combination


Maybe this is a way to motivate people from the female side to join the development community. This was in Lisboa, the capital of Portugal. Did you know that Lisboa was build on 7 hills, and that there is a connection between Rome and Jerusalem? If not, you know it now. More o f Lisboa and the streets about it, maybe later. Now I have to do some programs which I will present a few posts later.
Have fun, and see or read you soon.

Good night and good luck Christian

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Coimbra here we come #coimbra #portugal #euromachs

My dear friends it is time to go to COIMBRA. But what is COIMBRA. Well this is a university in Porutgal one of the partner universities of the EUROMACHS program. Since last week me and a few other, 6 in sum are here to attend some interesting courses. First of all there is this course about the Portuguese language thing. It sounds really funny, but well I am learning Portuguese. The other courses are Game developing, Project Management and Programming. With this bundle of skills we will be able to do many things in the sector of digital long time preservation and with a special focus on culture.

So what is Coimbra? Here is picture on a rainy day. And take this as a note for trips. When you come to Portugal in Feb don`t think you can leave your warm winter jacket at home. It is true that the Portuguese people like the summer. But they are ready for the unexpected which means rain and 10 degrees in February. Yes for us Austrians this should not be a problem, but when you are wrong dressed the project you plan will never be a success. As Roxette said it in one of their songs “Dressed for success” there is always a need for the right clothes for the right time. And well here it is. Coimbra , world heritage and my home for the next months.


Good night and good luck, Christian.

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Mehr Spaß beim Sport! #Fitbit #sport #steps

Ab nächster Woche geht es nun los, mit Mitte Februar wird sickhn hier einiges ändern. Zu allerst habe ich damit begonnen endlich wieder einmal meinen Laptop neu aufzusetzen. Sollte irgendwer noch meine alte Handynummer haben, diese ist mit dem 30. Jänner vorerst Geschichte. Aber dazu später mehr. Nun eigentlich geht es mir nur darum wieder einmal ein Lebenszeichen zu setzen

Und damit schließe ich gleich nahtlos an den Nichtraucherpost an. Was tut man eigentlich mit seinem Geld, welches man nicht mehr für Zigaretten oder ähnliches ausgibt. Sparen mal nicht, dass kann ich euch nun mitteilen. Mehr getrunken wird eigentlich auch nicht, aber der Drang nach Sport wird wieder mehr gefördert.

Dazu hab ich mir einen Schrittzähler angeschafft. Es handelt sich dabei um den FITBIT. Dieses kleine Teil ist nun schon seit einiger Zeit mein Begleiter. Die neuen Freundschaften welche sich auf diese weise ergeben sind zwar alle nur oberflächlich aber es eint uns dennoch ein Ziel. Der Gedanke oder der Wunsch fitter zu werden. Fitbit gibt uns die Möglichkeit in direkten Wettkämpfen gegeneinander und rein freundschaftlich unsere Erfolge zu teilen, die Gewinner zu beglückwünschen und die Verlierer zu trösten.

Und wenn du dich fragst, was habe ich heute getan? Nun jeder Schritt zählt. Bis bald und lg Good night and good luck Christian

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Don`t smoke – 1 Jahr rauchfrei :-) #stopsmoking

aufzuhören. Meine aktuellen Zeiten klingen ja eigentlich ganz gut 1 Jahr 10 Tage und 17 Stunden rauchfrei. Gespartes Geld so um die € 1300,– und knappe 6300 Zigaretten nicht geraucht. Eigentlich unglaublich was ich meinem Körper da jahrelang angetan habe.

Wie es mir ergangen ist und warum ich eigentlich aufgehört habe. Nun erstmals bin ich im Internet über ein Video gestolpert wo ich mir gedacht habe, dass funktioniert niemals. Aber versuchen wir es mal.

Zusätzlich war ich damals grade schwer verkühlt und dachte mir eigentlich nichts dabei. Zusätzlich kam natürlich aber auch der milde Winter dazu womit Bewegung im Freien möglich wurde. Ich möchte hier keine Werbung für irgendwelche Produkte machen da jeder Mensch andere Mechanismen besitzt die er ändern muss.

Und für alle die glauben es wird so schwer. Kompletter Blödsinn, wenn man nicht dran denkt klappt es einfacher. Natürlich muss man sich Ersatzbeschäftigungen suchen. Meine Ersatzdroge ist nach wie vor der Sport und auch Wasser. Bier und Wein sind da eher suboptimal.

Warum ich euch das nun einfach so mitteile. Weil ich finde die Zeit ist reif, dass auch Österreich etwas gegen das Rauchen unternimmt. Einem eingefleischten Raucher wird man aber wahrscheinlich nicht mit Gründen der Gesundheit kommen können. Erst wenn es meistens schon zu spät ist wird etwas unternommen, aber dann tja leider schon zu spät. Ich werde hier nicht das Kreuz über die Raucher brechen, da ich auch jahrelang dazugehört habe und immer meinen Spaß hatte. Aber was ich kann, dass können auch noch andere, wenn sie nur wollen.

Also dann und im Sinne der Aktualität würde ich euch bitten diese Seite zu betrachten. Eventuell verwandeln sich dann diese Informationen in eine Gewissheit das Rauchen nicht cool sondern tödlich ist. In diesem Sinne. Don`t smoke.

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And here is something what i do in my sparetime. As some of you know i`m attending my master in a new program called EUROMACHS. This program is the perfect combination between history and information technology. Have you ever thought about your document or the security of your data. Well then this is the thing what we are dooing. Our focus is to keep digital documents and so called born digitals alive over the time. Do you remember the big university of Alexandria. What do you think what happened if some of the documents not have been lost. In the further days I will explain you something about our new work..

For further informations check out the following links..

This is our Euromachs Project Phase 1 & 2 and this it the name of the program:

Cheers Christian

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Nachdem die letzten Tage und Wochen sehr erholsam waren hab ich mich dennoch daran gesetzt die allfälligen Aufgaben in diesem Jahr zu erfüllen. Begonnen habe ich gleich einmal mit den noch fälligen Tätigkeiten welche mir im letzten Jahr noch übrig geblieben sind. Nun gut, die Uni ist immer präsent, den Grund dafür werdet ihr demnächst erfahren.

Auf meinen Erkundungen bin ich auf ein neues APP zum Sprachenlernen gestoßen. Einige mögen es kennen andere verdammen, ich persönlich liebe es. Es handelt sich dabei um BABBEL, erreichbar unter .

Die Möglichkeit online Sprachen zu lernen hat mich fasziniert, die ersten Lektionen gehen auch einfach zur Hand und es ist wirklich motivierend welche Fortschritte man damit machen kann. Gut, es ist zwar günstig aber nicht kostenlos, dennoch finde ich ist es auf jeden Fall einen Versuch wert.

Ich wünsche euch ein frohes neues Jahr, viel Erfolg und warum das neue Jahr nicht mit einer neuen Sprache beginnen. In diesem Sinne, bis bald

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OAIS – securing the future

One of the main goals of every archive is to store the objects for a long time. Do you remember Fedora? This is a framework which matches the OAIS requirements. But before we analyze the principles of the OAIS model, let’s see what happens all around this state of the art model.

OAIS_USERBasic Concept[1]

Those are the three stakeholders – the producer, the management and finally the consumer.

From a historical point of view, material has always been created by the producer. There is no difference if we talk about analog sources like letters, buidlings and so on or so called “born digitals”. The producer provides the information added to the archive.

The management is responsible for access rights and managing operations. Copyright is for example a task for the management system.

And last but not least the role of the consumer: It is the customer who will search for information and who relies on the presented material. And she or he decides if the archive is usable or not.

In the center of these three, there is an archive which operates on the OAIS – Open Archival Information System. Now let us expand this basic model to the OAIS model


OAIS -Functional Entities[2]

Since 2000 The OAIS model is the state of the art model for long time preservation and has six key functions.

  1. Ingest
    The producer creates an object. This will be transferred into a SIP – Submission Information Package – Metadata and Information are added to the SIP and repacked as an AIP – Archival Information Package. The AIP then moves on into the archival storage.
  2. The archival storage
    has only two main tasks. First, to store the AIP in a secure way, which includes backup and maintenance; second, to keep the AIP up to date to avoid errors.
  3. The Data Management Function
    is responsible for the descriptive information to identify objects. In addition, it is necessary to manage the archive and database functions, such as queries and responses.
  4. The Administration
    provides the services and all of the functions of an operation system, for example regarding the communication between Producer and Consumer. In administrion lies the responsibility for submitted information and management of the access policies as well as the management of the stored archival standards. In one sentence: the Administration is the brain of the OAIS model
  5. The preservation planning
    is responsible for long term preservation. This is where recommended updates on formats, data or system migrations are planned.
  6. The Access
    stores copyright terms, destinguishes between User and Administrator, controls the access and interacts with the User.

The OAIS model is a platform independent, open standard, without a limitation on data types or formats. However, the OAIS reference model also requires a strict separation of data storage and information management. The combination with defined interfaces allows the bundeling of ressources –  for example Fedora as a framework – and offers newly developed possibilities – for exmaple the cirilio client.

 And even hardware will not last forever.


Legacy Storage systems 😉 [3]

[1] CCSDS (2012): Reference Model for an open archival information system (OAIS).
In: Chapter 2-1 [11.12.2014].
[2] CCSDS (2012): Reference Model for an open archival information system (OAIS).
In: Chapter 4-1 [11.12.2014].
[3] WIKIPEDIA (2014): Floppy Disk
In: [11.12.2014].
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